
Not much makes me happier than helping Brands find their voice.

Well, except for a growing customer base that reacts to relatable stories and cool calls to action that are undeniably your brand.

Oh, wait a minute, I guess that ‘boost your bottom line’ bit is kind of a big deal too.

Of course, this also means your staff will be nice humans that give good phone and customer service to keep the momentum up. Yeah, that. The whole full circle thing.

Speaking of… I’ve been there done that – and for over a decade, I’ve performed in all these circus rings too …

Marketing + Advertising Copywriter, Video + Audio Scriptwriter, TV Ad Producer, Singer, Songwriter + Jingle Writer, Voiceover Artist, Production Assistant, and Salesperson.

What makes this girl happy is all those things, but the extra special identity bits that are born from the wordy side of Brand Specialist, Strategist and Analyst, now that’s when it’s hard to get me out of the sandbox.

I’ve been known to throw the first punchy one liner that hits right between quick and wit (cue laughter) or for the more serious folk, right between the ears.

Chain reactions are cool … and profitable.

If yours truly can pen ‘Canada’s Garage’ and watch that trek across an entire country in mass print, broadcast and digital campaigns … and later pen ‘Find ‘em in a field near you’ and watch that evolve into ‘Find them in a field near here’ … logoed the length of a transport trailer, well, she can probably throw some tasty words on your plate too.

So, what the heck are you waiting for?

Dig here to contact me.

Oh, you haven’t had enough yet?  Ok, well here’s more dirt about me…  (cue eye roll)

Me: Idea Generator. Word Weirdo. Earworm Creator.
Me: Chaos Predictor – (someone who anticipates problems and gets ahead of them before they happen).
Me: Professional Analyzer. Thoughtful Listener. Problem Nurturer. Solution Server.
Me: Boardroom Disruptor. One hell of an imagination.
Me: One helluva mom voice… nope, not the annoying one that makes you roll your eyes -instead one that cuts through the noise, grabs attention and ends madness.  

On that note… now, have you had enough? I sure have.

Small talk that aims at BIG results.  What you say and how you say it matters.

Startups. Founders. New business brands and business rebranding.
Brainstorm sessions to bring brands to market with effective messaging.
Brand Strategy Consultations and Brand Copywriting.